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SN75ALS1177NSR, H&T Electronics Co., Ltd - Inventory

H&T Electronics is a broker of electronic components such as Integrated circuit, transistor, diode, capacitor,resistor etc. We specialize in hard to find and obsolete electronic components. We are your alternate source for electronic components H&T Electronics prides itself on being able to supply our customers with material which they are having difficulty finding due to allocation, long lead tim...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
SN75ALS1177NSR TI 66 original
SN75ALS1178NSR TI 25 original
SN75ALS162N TI 25 97+ original
SN75ALS170ADW TI 588 original
SN75ALS172A TI 30 original
SN75ALS176BDR TI 318 08+ original
SN75ALS180D TI 57 0949+ original
SN75ALS180N TI 682 06+ original
SN75ALS192D TI 69 original
SN75ALS192DR TI 2500 21+ original
SN75ALS193J TI 92 9334 original
SN75ALS194DR TI 2600 11+ original
SN75ALS194N TI 75 original
SN75ALS194NS TI 1400 10+ original
SN75ALS197NSR TI 2000 21+ original
SN75C1167NSR TI 650 11+ original
SN75C189ADR TI 820 10+ original
SN75C3222EPWR TI 205 10 original
SN75DP118RHHR TI 472 12 original
SN75DP120RHHR TI 41 12+ original

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